We are enjoying a nice spring with much better weather than we have been used to the last few years. The blue birds and meadow larks were the first to return. I remained a sceptic until the sandhill cranes came in droves. It is a amazing what their prehistoric sounding call can do to your morale. With their long legs and sweeping wing spans they lift our spirits in the valley.
Calving has gone pretty well this year. We have stayed on top of the sickness very well, and haven't lost many calves. The green grass is beginning to shoot through the old dead brown of past seasons and new life springs up everywhere. This really is the best season.
Soon we will be branding and turning out the cows to the mountains. I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the spring will develop.
I also submitted an application for a head coaching job at Capital high school in Helena. I'm not sure how to feel yet. I have been slowly thinking it out. To take the job would mean to change my entire life...