Thursday, July 28, 2011


There are a few things in this world that I hate, and moving is one of them. We are up to our necks in boxes of crap, that I'm not really sure if I need anymore. The more you have to move something the less you want it. Just think about that when you go to the store. "Am I going to have to box up this peice of crap and move it multiple times?" Chances are you won't be buying it.

The trick is to simplify your life. I am thinking about disposable dishes right now.

We are moving from our "Honey Moon Sweet" a.k.a. the double wide, to the "Honey moon is over sweet" a.k.a. the bunkhouse. Why the new name, about half the square footage... But it is nice, and more importantly Tax Free Income.

The view out our bedroom window is pretty awesome, stars at night and mountains in the morning. I can see daylight at the end of this junk show.

1 comment:

  1. haha! so true! Every time we move I think I dont need all this crap! Going to take that advice for shopping :)
