Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Staying true

I know some people who have let their heads outgrow their hatbands over the last couple of years. They fall in love with themselves and become legends in their own minds. I can't stand self promotion and false bravado. I respect and relate only to real people.
The worst kind of these people are the ones who feel threatened by others, and so verbally beat them down behind their backs. I prefer calling a spade a spade.
If I have a problem with you, you will know about it.
I am not out to hurt anyone's feelings, but I am going to tell the truth, even if it isn't what they want to hear. I have been honest to a fault before.
My patience is growing shorter with age, and my ability to hold back my comments. I wish sometimes people learned that it is good to be humble, without me wanting to punch them in the mouth first.


  1. i can't stand an ego. makes me vomit. there are always a handful of cops that fit that bill and i can't help but roll my eyes at them when they talk. i figure if you are so great, why are u the one telling me? wouldn't i be able to come to that conclusion on my own? why the campaigning?

  2. Unfortunately I know too many of these kinds of people. I guess it comes with the guiding industry. I used to love some of these guys, now I just want to bloody their noses.
