Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Piece of mind

Yesterday I was scrubbing a disgusting refrigerator that didn't belong to me, and I found myself wondering why I went to college? To make it even better I turned down a job in Nashville that pays about three times what I make now. It does not make sense to most people, and I understand why. I felt kind of foolish while I strained to scrub off layers of grime with little reward. What makes sense is living where I want to, and doing a lot of things that I want to. I am happy with who I am and where I am in life. I do not need to go off anywhere chasing rainbows. I have what I want right here. I wonder if most people ever find that?

1 comment:

  1. You are indeed twice blessed, first with the life you were driven enough and brave enough to pursue and forge for yourself and 2nd for knowing enough to appreciate it! :o)
