Thursday, June 10, 2010

PB&J's and Fried Chicken

There is something special about a Mother's touch when it comes to feeding their children. I had a pb&J today, something I do often, and it left me feeling unfulfilled. Not because I was still hungry, and not because of the ingredients. It was simply because I made it. I still remember the last pb & J my Oma made me. It was in Mexico about ten years ago. It might have been the single best sandwich I have ever had in my life. Every time I eat one, I think of my Oma and summer lunches out on the glider. I have the same problem with fried chicken. I truly believe that no one can hold a candle to my mother's fried chicken. Many people agree with me, so I am led to believe that it is more than just the fact that she's my momma. I will never be able to eat fried chicken without comparing it to my mom's, the same way I'll never be able to eat pb & j's without thinking about Oma.

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