Monday, January 24, 2011

Lena on a mission

Lena has decided to go on a medical mission in Tanzania this fall. She is very excited about the trip, and took almost no time at all to make up her mind to go. She only had to clear it with her boss, and she was all in. I think it will be a great experience for her, and I am very excited for her to go.
I am not going, because I am not medical personel therefore... I didn't get invited. Maybe when they ask for some hill-billys to go over an build things I will get to go. I think they need people like Lena a lot more. We will keep everyone updated on the details of the trip.


  1. I think this is great! Go Lena! Coincidentally this is exactly what I have been studying and discussing for the last few weeks. I think that Christians are missing the boat and not being the hands and feet of Christ. I think we need to look beyond our little worlds to the millions of hurting/hungry/needy people.
    Good job Lena and tell her I will pray for her trip.

  2. That is going to be life changing for Lena! We will be praying for her during her visit. What an awesome opportunity.
