Wednesday, January 13, 2010

deep thoughts from number 2

If you look closely at the arrow on the sign, it is pretty funny, and true. To all of those who don't know, this is the latrine sign from Lower Scotty Allen camp ground on The Smith River. My boss Mike Geary said it is like taking "the Eco-Challenge" so you better go before you really have to go. Last year my friend Ben came down from the latrine and said he saw "a mountain goat, the abominable snow man, and waved at the pilot in the jet when he flew by." The latrine may not be that high up, but it is in one heck of a cool place and a pretty good hike. One of my favorite places to sit and think. I know, I know, it's a guy thing, but probably only because we don't have to eat special yogurt to go every day. I remember the last time I was up on this latrine, I was thinking about my buddies from college and what they were doing at that very instant. I was "working" on the Smith, they were actually working. Sitting in an office building talking on the phone or staring at a computer screen, "Driving the wheels of the economy". I thought about how much life can change, and how awesome college really was. I thought about how much had changed since I lived in the "Townhouse" with Sam and Randy, then with Sam and Corey. I thought about all the great parties we had in the back yard, and all the funny conversations we had on the old green couches. So many memories came back rapidly, all I could do was smile and hope my buddies were having as good of a day as I was. Hard to imagine though, I was having a great cup of coffee from a french press doing "number two" in the middle of one of the prettiest rivers drainages in Montana, all while getting paid. How the hell did I end up here?

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