Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tying flies and day dreaming

I realize how fortunate I am every morning when I wake up in a warm bed, next to a beautiful woman (That I'm actually married to.) There were times in my life when I didn't have a place to go to sleep everynight. I would pull my truck over and roll out my sleeping bag on some dirt road off of the beaten path, look up at the stars on a clear night, or my trucks undercarriage when it would rain. If it rained hard enough I would bunch up inside the cab and think about my friends and family, and pray they were safe and well. Most of the time I had a few libations to help me relax. I never worried about myself. If I had a full belly and a full tank of gas I thought I was the richest man on the planet, because I was truly free. Maybe that is why I like the song "Amarillo by Morning" soo much. I kinda lived it for a while. Hard to believe how much things change so quickly. Now I have a home and a wife and responsibilities, but some how I still feel freedom. I have been very fortunate so far in my life, I have never truly been in need. When I was in my nomadic stage, it was by my choice and my decisions. I thank the Lord that I am not living on the road, down on my luck, and in need. I try very hard not to take that for granted. Today I sat in my office tying flies and day dreaming about what the future holds for my wife and I. Life really is a wonderful thing, and I am a lucky man. I hope I never ever forget that.

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