Thursday, March 4, 2010

Whats in your cd player, Ipod, etc.??

I've been listening to Warren Zevon and Jamie Johnson a lot lately. Guys with voices that are very unique, and lyrics that are completely their own. I am having a hard time listening to the radio lately. Too many musicians are making music with very little identity or purpose. They sing songs composed and written by a team of people sitting around a table brainstorming the next "big hit". It's all about money for them, and what everyone will like. That is exactly why I like guys like the one's mentioned above. They make music to make music and don't give a rats ass what "everyone" thinks. They don't care what sells records, they sing what comes from their hearts and their own lives. I think people, as well as musicians like this need to be celebrated more in our culture. Too much has become about marketing to what everyone likes, and bottom line, what sells. I wish we had more people that weren't willing to sacrafice who they are, and what they stand for, to make money. There really is something to be said for people who make an honest living.

1 comment:

  1. my Ipod is pretty eclectic.
    I LOVE the Dave Matthews Band.
    I listen to a lot of old soul; Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, old Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye.....
    I love Neil Diamond and Led Zeppelin and the Beastie Boys.
    I listen to a lot of worship music; Casting Crowns, Hillsong, Lincoln Brewster, Jeremy Camp, Third Day.....
    Also on heavy rotation; Bowie, Paul Simon, Damien Rice, Audio Slave, The Beatles, old Whitney, old MJ, O.A.R......
